The next thing is to get some feel for what it means for our color vision to have three visual receptors. First, you might ask, if a given cone works better at some wavelengths than at others, why not simply measure that cone's output and deduce what the color is? Why not have one cone type, instead of three? It is easy to see why. With one cone, say the red, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between light at the most effective wavelength, about 560 nanometers, from a brighter light at a less effective wavelength. You need to be able to distinguish variations in brightness from variations in wavelength. But suppose you have two kinds of cones, with overlapping spectral sensitivities--say, the red cone and the green cone. Now you can determine wavelength simply by comparing the outputs of the cones. For short wavelengths, the green cone will fire better; at longer and longer wavelengths, the outputs will become closer and closer to equal; at about 580 nanometers the red surpasses the green, and does progressively better relative to it as wavelengths get still longer. If we subtract the sensitivity curves of the two cones (they are logarithmic curves, so we are really taking quotients), we get a curve that is independent of intensity. So the two cones together now constitute a device that measures wavelength. Then why are not two receptors all we need to account for the color vision that we have? Two would indeed be enough if all we were concerned with was monochromatic light--if we were willing to give up such things as our ability to discriminate colored light from white light. Our vision is such that no monochromatic light, at any wavelength, looks white. That could not be true if we had only two cone types. In the case of red and green cones, by progressing from short to long wavelengths, we go continuously from stimulating just the green cone to stimulating just the red, through all possible green-to- red response ratios. White light, consisting as it does of a mixture of all wavelengths, has to stimulate the two cones in some ratio. Whatever monochromatic wavelength happens to give that same ratio will thus be indistinguishable from white. This is exactly the situation in a common kind of color blindness in which the person has only two kinds of cones: regardless of which one of the three pigments is missing there is always some wavelength of light that the person cannot distinguish from white. (Such subjects are color defective, but certainly not color-blind.)